Using Background Checks For Everyday Life
There are a number of everyday life situations that can benefit from a background check. You are likely to come across many different people in your life. But can you trust them all?
Background checks have actually saved lives. Knowing vital details about a person before you meet them can protect you. The most obvious example of this is in the dating world which we will go into detail about later on.
So let’s take a look at those situations where background checks in the United States can really make a difference in your life.
The Elusive Family Member
Do you know all about your family members? Sure you are going to know about your parents and your siblings but what about beyond that? It is very likely that you have a family member that you have never met and have no idea about their life.
Imagine a family gathering where the conversation turns to Uncle Roy. You may have heard about Uncle Roy but you have never met him. He is someone that moves around a lot and you don’t know where he is currently living.
Certain members of your family that know Roy start voicing their opinions. Because he didn’t fit in with the “norm” these people castigate him. This all sounds pretty unfair to you but you cannot defend Roy because you don’t know him. Other family members may speculate where Roy is right now and what he is doing with his life.
Nobody in the family has seen Roy for years. They do not even know if he is alive or dead. This is a pretty sad situation. It may not be a long lost uncle that you want to find. Maybe you were adopted and yearn to find your birth parents. If your parents got a divorce and remarried you may have half brothers and sisters that you didn’t know anything about.
A good background check can help with all of these situations.
How do you find your Family Members?
You can use an online background checking service in the United States for this. All you need are a few strands of information and you can get started. Ask your family to let you have all of the information about the person you want to find. A full name is the best place to start.
Armed with a person’s name you can uncover a number of possible matches. You can see address records and contact details such as phone numbers and email addresses. If the person has a common name then some information about where they lived previously will help narrow things down.
Once you have located the right person you can also see some of their relatives through background checks. After a short period of time a whole new family can emerge that you didn’t know you had.
Most good online background checking services will have links to social media as well. This is a good way for you to verify the results you are getting. A lot of people have accounts with Facebook and Twitter these days and you will be able to see these links.
What about Criminal Records?
It is possible that a long lost family member is hiding because they are not proud of their past. With online background checks in the United States you can take a look at any criminal records that they may have. It will even provide details of arrests.
Once you have this information you can decide whether you feel safe about meeting a person or not. If you have doubts then you can either avoid the situation or take other members of the family along with you. Sometimes it is better to leave well alone if there are criminal records.
Background Checks and Dating
A lot of people are trying to find love online these days aren’t they? The problem is that people can say anything they want about themselves online and you have no way of knowing if they are being truthful. Or have you? A background check in the United States can tell you everything that you need to know about a potential online date.
Even if you meet a person in real life they can lie to you. They can tell you exaggerated stories about their status in life and many other things. Some people are afraid to tell the truth because they are worried that a potential partner will not find their life story “sexy”. It is always best to know the truth so that you can protect yourself from these people.
You do not need a private investigator to find out information on a potential date. An online background checking service will provide you with the details that you need. You can use a search engine like Google to find out more about someone but you will only get so far with this.
It goes without saying that you do not want to go out with someone who has a long criminal record that includes domestic violence. People in this situation are going to lie or not disclose these kinds of facts. Don’t put yourself at risk. Just perform some online background checks.
Are Background Checks Confidential?
Yes they are. The person who you are conducting the check on will never know that you have done this. There is nothing illegal about performing these kinds of background checks either. The information from online background check services is on public record. They just make it much easier for you to find it.
It is a lot easier to use an online background checking service than it is to search through Google and social media. They have information from many sources tied together. It is a true one stop shop.
You may not like what you find
Looking for a lost family member or checking up on a potential date may lead you to discover information that you don’t like. There is not a lot that you can do about this to be honest.
If you have fallen head over heels for that person online and then discover they have lied to you about their life then you are better off not getting involved. Background checks are there for your protection. You don’t want to become romantically involved with a compulsive liar do you?
More important than this is your safety. Unfortunately there are some crazy people around and they don’t want you to know about their history. Be sure to protect yourself by performing background checks in the United States that could keep you out of harm’s way.